Jan 25, 2016
Steve Ward is a long time coach. After a career as a sport coach, he transitioned to coaching traders in 2005. Today, he works mostly with institutional players, allowing him to fully exploit his talent.
Steve didn't come to trade first. In fact, he started as a trading coach even...
Jan 18, 2016
Glenn Ost is the Positive Energy Multiplier & Chief Of Edutainment at www.GlennOst.TV, his personal website where he hosts his own edutaining webshow. His mission is to Touch, Move and Inspire millions of entrepreneurs Worldwide to become REAL Game Changers, having a Significant & Positive impact & making this world a...
Jan 11, 2016
Jan 4, 2016
Dr. Gary Dayton is a trading psychologist standing apart in the trading world. Based on intensive research, he help traders to reach peak performance in trading by getting in the right mental state.
He believes in the importance of mindfulness, or the idea of identifying and accepting your emotions while trading.