Feb 20, 2017
In episode 80 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview Paul Langham, a Forex trader based in Belgium with a very good understanding of price movements and how the different players interact in the currency markets.
Paul spent a great amount of time trying to understand how banks were involved in the Forex market. That involved looking at price action.
This work allowed Paul to work for major European and UK banks.
Paul got introduced to the market after developing an interest in horse racing bets. That, although trading is fairly different in various ways, helped Paul develop a sense for probabilities that served him in his trading career.
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When I hear it can't be done, that's when the motor gets started! - @PaulmLangham CLICK TO TWEET
Never give in, but if things aren't working do something different- @PaulmLangham CLICK TO TWEET
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